Intel® Optane™ 合作夥伴
Intel® Optane™ PMem 解決方案
PMem 的創新與成功
按一下即可查看所有客戶故事,瞭解各企業如何實現以下目標:透過 Intel® Optane™ 持續性記憶體,SAP HANA 啟動時間快 12 倍、Aerospike 的擴充性改善 4 倍、中繼資料搜尋效能快 3 倍,而且獲得的結果更多。
一直以來,記憶體和儲存產品均受限於密度、效能與成本。PMem 填補了儲存階層中的缺口。
Native persistence – the ability to store data even when powered off.
Large capacities at lower than DRAM prices – With the advent of larger persistent memory capacities, larger datasets can exist closer to the CPU for faster processing, which means greater insights. Higher capacities of Intel® Optane™ persistent memory create a more affordable solution, which is accelerating this industry-wide trend towards real-time data processing. Delivered on the 2nd and 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors, large memory-bound workloads will have significant performance increase for rapid data processing.
作業模式──Intel® Optane™ 持續性記憶體有兩種作業模式:Memory 模式(Memory 模式適合大記憶體容量,而且不需要變更應用程式,因為記憶體被視為揮發性)以及 App Direct 模式(提供大記憶體容量,可讓啟用的應用程式將 PMem 當成第 2 層級的記憶體直接溝通)。有了截然不同的作業模式,客戶處理多種工作負載時,可以靈活運用 Intel® Optane™ 持續性記憶體的優點。
硬體加密──Intel® Optane™ 持續性記憶體擁有業界標準的 AES-256 硬體加密,可確保資料安全無虞,讓您高枕無憂。加密金鑰儲存於模組的安全性中繼資料區,只有 Intel® Optane™ 持續性記憶體控制器能夠存取。如果重新規劃或捨棄模組,則會採用安全密碼編譯抹除與 DIMM 覆寫的方式,以免資料遭到存取。
雖然 Intel® Optane™ 持續性記憶體 (PMem) 與 Intel® Optane™ SSD 使用同一種 Intel® Optane™ memory 媒體,但兩者卻是截然不同的產品。Intel® Optane™ 持續性記憶體採用 DIMM 封裝、利用 DRAM 匯流排作業,而且可以當成揮發性或持續性記憶體使用。反之,Intel® Optane™ SSD 則僅限用於放置在標準 NAND 封裝模型(AIC、M.2、U.2、EDSFF)的快速儲存裝置、位於採用 NVMe* 通訊協定的 PCIe 匯流排,而且基於儲存之故,始終保有持續性。
Intel® Optane™ persistent memory (PMem) has some similarities with DRAM in the following ways: Packaged in DIMMS, resides on the same bus/channels as DRAM, and can act in the same way as DRAM storing volatile data.
Where Intel® Optane™ persistent memory (PMem) differs with DRAM is that it offers many new and exciting features. PMem comes in much higher capacities than traditional DRAM. PMem modules come in 128GB, 256GB and 512GB capacities, vastly larger than DRAM modules that typically range from 16GB to 64GB, though larger DRAM capacities exist. PMem also can operate in a persistent mode storing data even without power applied to the module and comes with built-in hardware encryption to help keep data at rest secure. The TCO of PMem is greatly improved compared to DRAM on a cost per GB basis and the ability to increase the capacity to beyond DRAM’s capabilities.