更新 BIOS 韌體可能會修正在 SEL 上回想的錯誤
SEL 中的嚴重錯誤:
SmaRT-CLST Stat 報告聲稱, 從 PSU 感應器 0x67Y 過渡到嚴重程度較輕
- 回想除錯記錄的錯誤不是錯誤,而是表示有輕微的電源下降,因為 Intel PSU 的設計對電源訊號敏感,而且可以偵測到小功率下降。
- 建議 使用 線上 UPS 而不是線上互動式 UPS。
- 檢查 UPS 的型號/類型。
- 將 BIOS 更新至最新版本。
EventID:0367 Time Stamp:06/04/2020 16:16:43 SensorName:SmaRT & CLST Sensor Type:OEM Reserved Description:transition to critical from less severe from PSU sensor 0x66. reports it has been asserted. -Asserted
EventID:0368 Time Stamp:06/04/2020 16:16:43 SensorName:PS1 Status Sensor Type:Power Supply Description:reports the power supply's input (AC/DC) has been lost -Asserted
EventID:0369 Time Stamp:06/04/2020 16:16:43 SensorName:SmaRT & CLST Sensor Type:OEM Reserved Description:transition to non-critical from more severe from PSU sensor 0x66. reports it has been deasserted. -Asserted
EventID:0370 Time Stamp:06/04/2020 16:16:44 SensorName:SmaRT & CLST Sensor Type:OEM Reserved Description:transition to critical from less severe from PSU sensor 0x67. reports it has been asserted. -Asserted
EventID:0371 Time Stamp:06/04/2020 16:16:44 SensorName:Pwr Unit Status Sensor Type:Power Unit Description:reports the power unit has suffered a failure -Asserted
EventID:0372 Time Stamp:01/01/1970 00:00:30 SensorName:Pwr Unit Status Sensor Type:Power Unit Description:reports the power unit is powered off or being powered down -Asserted
EventID:0373 Time Stamp:01/01/1970 00:00:30 SensorName:Pwr Unit Status Sensor Type:Power Unit Description:reports the power unit's AC is lost -Asserted
EventID:0374 Time Stamp:01/01/1970 00:00:30 SensorName:P1 Status Sensor Type:Processor Description:reports the processor's presence has been detected -Asserted
EventID:0375 Time Stamp:01/01/1970 00:00:30 SensorName:P2 Status Sensor Type:Processor Description:reports the processor's presence has been detected -Asserted
EventID:0376 Time Stamp:01/01/1970 00:00:31 SensorName:Pwr Unit Status Sensor Type:Power Unit Description:reports the power unit's AC is lost -Deasserted
EventID:0377 Time Stamp:08/24/2030 16:19:43 SensorName:P1 Status Sensor Type:Processor Description:reports the processor's presence has been detected -Asserted
EventID:0378 Time Stamp:08/24/2030 16:19:43 SensorName:P2 Status Sensor Type:Processor Description:reports the processor's presence has been detected -Asserted
特別 提款 權:
0628 - RID:0274 TS:06/12/2020 19:25:46 SN:unnamed sensor 0x00 (no SDR) ST:OS Boot ED:C: boot completed ET:Asserted EC:OK
0629 - RID:0275 TS:06/12/2020 19:25:46 SN:unnamed sensor 0xB4 (no SDR) ST:Unknown ED:OEM ET:Deasserted EC:OK
0630 - RID:0276 TS:06/13/2020 11:35:24 SN:unnamed sensor 0x00 (no SDR) ST:OS Stop ED:OS Graceful Shutdown ET:Asserted EC:OK
0631 - RID:0277 TS:06/13/2020 11:35:24 SN:unnamed sensor 0x00 (no SDR) ST:Unknown ED:Unknown ET:Asserted EC:OK
0632 - RID:0278 TS:06/13/2020 11:35:24 SN:unnamed sensor 0x00 (no SDR) ST:OS Stop ED:OS Graceful Shutdown ET:Asserted EC:OK