針對 Arria V 裝置系列及該裝置的設計 如果您執行設計,包含 10GBASE-R PHY v12.0 兆功能 助理安裝後,設計助理會產生下列內容 四個重要警告:
Critical Warning (332012): Synopsys Design Constraints File file not found
Critical Warning (308019): (Critical) Rule C101: Gated clock should be implemented according to the Altera standard scheme
Critical Warning (308060): (High) Rule D101: Data bits are not synchronized when transferred between asynchronous clock domains
Critical Warning (308067): (High) Rule D103: Data bits are not correctly synchronized when transferred between asynchronous clock domains
這些警告與計時分析有關,Quartus II 軟體版本 12.0 不支援Arria V 裝置。
若要進行編譯與功能模擬,您可以安全地進行 忽略這些警告。