




渲染圖顯示了在德國馬格德堡新建兩家 Intel 處理器工廠的早期計畫。這個耗資 170 億歐元的專案于 2022 年 3 月宣佈,將提供採用 Intel 最先進的電晶體技術的電腦晶片。預計2023年上半年開始建設,2027年底投產。(圖片來源:英特爾公司) 

英特爾今日宣佈未來十年在歐盟整個半導體價值鏈上投資800億歐元的第一階段計劃 – 投資範圍涵蓋研發、製造和最先進的封裝技術。計劃包括在德國投資170億歐元興建一座先進半導體晶圓廠,在法國創建一座新的研發和設計中心,並在愛爾蘭、義大利、波蘭和西班牙擴大研發、製造、代工服務和後端生產。透過此項具有里程碑意義的投資,英特爾將最先進的技術帶到歐洲,創建一個次世代歐洲晶片生態系統,更平衡、更具彈性的滿足供應鏈需求。


更多內容:英特爾計畫投資歐洲(新聞資料)| 英特爾歐洲投資網路直播(重播)| 業界合作夥伴引言(PDF)| 政府合作夥伴引言(PDF)


-Pat Gelsinger(基辛格),英特爾執行長


該投資計劃的核心是平衡全球半導體供應鏈,拓展英特爾在歐洲的生產能力。在初始階段,英特爾計劃在德國薩克森-安哈爾特邦(Saxony-Anhalt)的首府馬格德堡(Magdeburg)開發兩座首創的半導體晶圓廠,預計在2023年上半年開始動工,並計劃在2027年獲得歐盟委員會批准後上線生產。新工廠預計將使用英特爾最先進的埃米世代(Angstrom-era)電晶體技術提供晶片,作為公司IDM 2.0策略的一部分,滿足代工客戶和英特爾的需求。

位於歐洲中心的德國,擁有頂尖人才、一流基礎建設以及既有的供應商和客戶生態系統,是建立先進晶片製造新中心 — 「Silicon Junction」的理想之地。英特爾計劃最初投資170億歐元,過程將創造7,000個營造業工作機會,英特爾亦將提供3,000個常態性高科技工作機會,更在供應商和合作夥伴中創造數萬個額外的工作機會。

英特爾也將持續愛爾蘭Leixlip的擴建計畫,投入額外的120億歐元,將製造空間擴大一倍,以便將Intel 4製程技術導入歐洲並擴大代工服務。此擴建計畫完成後,英特爾在愛爾蘭的總投資超過300億歐元。

此外,英特爾和義大利正積極促成一座最先進的後端製造工廠。此工廠潛在投資高達45億歐元,將於 2025 年至 2027 年期間開始營運,提供大約1,500個英特爾的工作機會,以及在供應商和合作夥伴中創造3,500個工作機會,。英特爾和義大利將致力讓這座工廠成為歐盟第一座擁有創新技術的工廠。這也將在英特爾計劃收購Tower半導體的基礎上,提供英特爾於義大利獲得代工創新和成長的契機,Tower半導體與在義大利Agrate Brianza有一座晶圓廠的意法半導體有著重要的合作關係。




研發和設計對於推進領先的半導體製造至關重要。歐洲是世界級大學、研究機構、先進晶片設計商和供應商的所在地。英特爾將透過增加研發投資以支持此創新聚落,將英特爾領先的製造計劃與其加以連結,推動歐洲的創新圈,協助提升中小企業取得尖端技術的機會。(影片:歐盟執委會主席Ursula von der Leyen,對英特爾的歐洲投資計畫發表談話




這些投資將進一步加強英特爾與歐陸各研究機構的長期關係,包括比利時的IMEC、荷蘭的台夫特理工大學(Technical University Delft)、法國的CEA-Leti和德國的弗勞恩霍夫協會(Fraunhofer Institutes)。英特爾亦在義大利與Leonardo、INFN和CINECA建立了令人興奮的合作關係,以探索高效能運算、記憶體、軟體程式設計模型、安全和雲端的先進解決方案。









最先進的歐洲半導體生態系統將可支持綠色轉型並幫助實現歐洲綠色政綱。更高效的晶片可以降低下一波數位硬體的功耗,同時推動HPC和AI解決方案。 英特爾在2020年提出2030 RISE策略和企業責任目標,加速整合過去十年的負責、包容和永續性相關措施。 根據歐盟的氣候目標,英特爾正在實現其2030年的永續發展目標,包括透過節省、回收和再生水資源實現水資源正效益,並資助當地的水資源計畫,整治相較以往消耗更多的淡水。此外,英特爾將為其全球製造營運活動使用100%的再生能源,並實現垃圾掩埋零總量的目標。

Forward-Looking Statements

Statements in this press release that refer to future plans and expectations, including with respect to Intel’s manufacturing expansion and investment plans in the European Union (EU), are forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Words such as “anticipates,” “expects,” “intends,” “goals,” “plans,” “believes,” “seeks,” “estimates,” “continues,” “may,” “will,” “would,” “on track,” “should,” “could,” and variations of such words and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. Statements that refer to or are based on estimates, forecasts, projections, uncertain events or assumptions, including statements relating to the anticipated benefits of Intel’s planned EU investments, including with respect to meeting future demand and future capacity expansion; anticipated supplier, ecosystem, community, and government support and approval for Intel’s planned EU investments and anticipated benefits related to such support; the proposed transaction between Intel and Tower Semiconductor (Tower), including statements regarding the benefits and the timing of the transaction, as well as statements regarding the companies’ products, customers, and markets; additional future site investments and the timing of such investments; anticipated construction and production timing for Intel’s planned factories; future products and technology and the availability and benefits of such products and technology, including future transistor technology; environmental plans for and benefits from Intel’s factories and technologies, including regarding energy use, water use, and waste; future external foundry business; plans and goals related to Intel’s foundry business; foundry service offerings; market opportunity; and anticipated trends in our businesses or the markets relevant to them, also identify forward-looking statements. Such statements are based on management’s expectations as of the date they were first made and involve risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in our forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include, among others, Intel’s failure to realize the anticipated benefits of its strategy, plans, and proposed transactions; construction delays or changes in plans due to business, economic, or other factors; increases in capital requirements and changes in capital investment plans; adverse changes in anticipated government incentives and associated approval related to Intel’s planned EU investments; adverse legislative or other government actions; insufficient ecosystem support; the risk that the proposed transaction with Tower may not be completed in a timely manner or at all; uncertainties as to the timing of the consummation of the Tower transaction and the potential failure to satisfy the conditions to the consummation of the transaction, including the receipt of certain governmental and regulatory approvals; demands in Tower customer end markets and for Tower foundry services and/or products that exceed Tower’s capacity; the impact of macroeconomic and geopolitical trends and events; and the factors set forth in Intel’s Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings, including the company’s most recent reports on Forms 10-K and 10-Q, which may be obtained by visiting our Investor Relations website at www.intc.com or the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov. Intel does not undertake, and expressly disclaims any duty, to update any statement made in this press release, whether as a result of new information, new developments or otherwise, except to the extent that disclosure may be required by law.