

  • 2024 年 1 月 25 日

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  • 雙方合作開發針對高成長市場的12奈米製程平台。 

  • 此合作基於英特爾與台灣創新企業合作的承諾,為全球客戶提供更好的服務,並擴展其晶圓代工的成熟製程能力。 

  • 此合作提供客戶更多元的區域供應鏈。 

  • 聯電透過此合作取得12奈米產能供應,加速技術發展時程,並展示領先的製程技術研發。 



英特爾資深副總裁暨晶圓代工服務(IFS)總經理Stuart Pann表示,「幾十年來,台灣一直是亞洲和全球半導體及廣泛的技術生態系的重要成員,英特爾致力於與聯電這樣的台灣創新企業合作,為全球客戶提供更好的服務。英特爾與聯電的策略合作進一步展現了為全球半導體供應鏈提供技術和製造創新的承諾,也是實現英特爾在2030年成為全球第二大晶圓代工廠的重要一步。」 

聯電共同總經理王石表示:「聯電與英特爾進行在美國製造的12 奈米FinFET製程合作,是本公司追求具成本效益的產能擴張,和技術節點升級策略的重要一環,此舉並延續我們對客戶的一貫承諾。這項合作將協助客戶順利升級到此關鍵技術節點,同時受惠於擴展位於北美市場產能帶來的供應鏈韌性。聯電期待與英特爾展開策略合作,利用雙方的互補優勢,以擴大潛在市場,同時大幅加快技術發展時程。」 

此項12奈米製程將善用英特爾位於美國的大規模製造能力和FinFET電晶體設計經驗,提供兼具成熟度、性能和能耗效率的強大組合。受惠於聯電在製程上的領導地位,以及為客戶提供PDK及設計支援方面的數十年經驗,得以更有效地提供晶圓代工服務。新的製程將在英特爾位於美國亞利桑那州Ocotillo Technology Fabrication的12、22和32廠進行開發和製造,透過運用晶圓廠的現有設備將可大幅降低前期投資,並最佳化利用率。 

雙方將致力滿足客戶需求,透過生態系合作夥伴提供的電子設計自動化(EDA)和智慧財產權(IP)解決方案,合作支援 12 奈米製程的設計實現(design enablement)。此12奈米製程預計在2027年投入生產。 

英特爾在美國和全球已投資和創新超過55年,除了愛爾蘭、德國、波蘭、以色列和馬來西亞之外,也在美國的俄勒岡州、亞利桑那州、新墨西哥州及俄亥俄州設立或規劃製造基地,以及進行投資。英特爾晶圓代工服務(IFS)在2023年有重大進展,與客戶建立良好的互動,包括採用Intel 16、Intel 3及Intel 18A製程技術的新客戶,拓展其持續成長的晶圓代工生態系。IFS預期在2024年將繼續取得進展。 


Forward-Looking Statements 

This communication contains certain forward-looking statements related to the proposed transactions between Intel and UMC and certain of their affiliates, including statements regarding the benefits and the timing of the transactions. Words such as “expect,” “plan” and “will” and variations of such words and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. Such statements are based on management expectations as of the date of this communication and involve risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the parties’ control, that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such forward-looking statements. Such risks and uncertainties include, among others, business interruptions related to the supply chains of Intel and UMC; inability to develop or sell products successfully under the collaboration between Intel and UMC; delays, disruptions, challenges or increased costs in Intel’s or UMC’s construction or manufacturing expansion of fabs, whether due to events within or outside of Intel’s or UMC’s control; expected benefits, including financial benefits, of the transactions may not be realized; litigation or dispute related to the transactions or otherwise; unanticipated costs may be incurred or undisclosed liabilities assumed; risks related to diverting management’s attention from Intel’s or UMC’s ongoing business operations; UMC’s ability to develop and execute an effective and profitable go-to-market strategy; potential adverse reactions or changes to business relationships (including customers and suppliers) resulting from the announcement of the transaction; macroeconomic conditions, including the general economic conditions affecting the semiconductor industry; regulatory restrictions; impact of competitive products and pricing; hiring and retention of key employees; international conflict; and other risks detailed in Intel’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), including those discussed in Intel’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and in any subsequent periodic reports on Form 10-Q and Form 8-K, [and in UMC’s most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F and in any subsequent periodic reports on Form 6-K], each of which is on file with or furnished to the SEC and available at the SEC’s website at www.sec.gov. SEC filings for Intel are also available on Intel’s Investor Relations website at www.intc.com. SEC filings for UMC are also available on UMC’s Investor Relations website at www.umc.com.  Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this communication. Unless otherwise required by applicable law, Intel and UMC undertake no obligation to update these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. 


英特爾(Nasdaq: INTC)是半導體產業的領導者,致力於創造具有全球影響力並豐富人們生活的創新技術。受到摩爾定律的啟發,英特爾持續推進半導體的設計和製造,幫助客戶解決重大挑戰。透過在雲端、網路、邊緣以及各種運算設備中整合智慧功能,釋放資料的潛力,讓商業和社會變得更好。欲了解更多關於英特爾的創新資訊,請造訪newsroom.intel.comintel.com。 


聯華電子(紐約證交所代碼:UMC,台灣證交所代碼:2303)為全球半導體晶圓代工業界的領導者,提供高品質的積體電路製造服務,專注於邏輯及特殊技術,為跨越電子行業的各項主要應用產品生產晶片。聯電完整的製程技術及製造解決方案包括邏輯/混合信號、嵌入式高壓解決方案、嵌入式非揮發性記憶體、RFSOI及BCD。聯電大部分的十二吋和八吋晶圓廠及研發中心位於台灣,另有數座晶圓廠位在亞洲其他地區。聯電現共有十二座晶圓廠,總月產能超過88萬片八吋約當晶圓,且全部皆符合汽車業的IATF 16949品質認證。聯電總部位於台灣新竹,另在中國、美國、歐洲、日本、韓國及新加坡設有服務據點,目前全球約有20,000名員工。詳細資訊,請參閱聯華電子官網:https://www.umc.com