
英特爾向ASML購買首台TWINSCAN EXE:5200系統,於導入EUV 0.55 NA(High-NA、高數值孔徑)跨出重要的一步。




為推進尖端半導體微影技術發展,ASML和英特爾公司於今日宣布,其長遠合作的最新階段發展。作為雙方公司長遠高數值孔徑合作案的框架內容,英特爾已向ASML下訂業界首台TWINSCAN EXE:5200 系統的訂單;這是款具備High-NA的極紫外光(EUV)大量生產系統,每小時具備200片以上晶圓產能。

「英特爾的遠見和對ASML High-NA EUV的早期承諾,為其不斷追求摩爾定律的絕佳佐證。相較於目前的 EUV系統,我們持續創新拓展EUV路線圖,進一步降低複雜性、成本、週期時間和所需能量,提供驅動晶片產業下個10年所需要的良好經濟規模延展性。」-Martin van den Brink,ASML總裁暨技術長。

英特爾於去年7月Accelarated活動中宣布,其部署首款High-NA技術的計畫,藉以確立電晶體創新路線圖發展。英特爾早在2018年即是之前TWINSCAN EXE:5000系統的首位買家,透過今日所宣布的新訂購案,其合作關係將隨著英特爾於2025年開始以高數值孔徑EUV進行生產製造而延續下去。

「英特爾的重點就是保持半導體微影技術的領先地位,去年我們持續不斷地打造我們的EUV專業知識和能力。透過與ASML的密切合作,我們將汲取High-NA EUV的高階析度圖案化優勢,作為延續摩爾定律的其中一個方式,並將我們追尋電晶體微縮的優良傳統延續下去。」

—Ann Kelleher博士,英特爾執行副總裁暨技術開發事業部總經理

EXE平台為EUV技術的演化步驟,其包含新穎的光學設計與大幅提升速度的光罩與晶圓階段。TWINSCAN EXE:5000 和EXE:5200系統與之前EUV機器所具備的0.33數值孔徑鏡片相比,提供精確度提升的0.55數值孔徑,為更小的電晶體特徵提供更高的解析度圖案化。系統所具備的數值孔徑結合其使用波長,決定了最小能夠印製的特徵尺寸。

EUV 0.55 NA為2025年開始的多個未來節點所設計,同時也是業界首次部署該技術,隨之而來的將是具備相近密度的記憶體技術。在2021年的投資者關係日,ASML分享其EUV路線圖規劃,並表示High-NA技術有望自2025開始支援生產製造。今日聲明與此路線圖規劃一致。

英特爾合作夥伴故事:Intel.com合作夥伴焦點 | 英特爾新聞室合作夥伴故事


Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward looking statements, including statements relating to the order of a High NA system, the path to High-NA EUV introduction, EUV roadmap and expected timing of High-NA production manufacturing, expected features, performance and benefits of the platform, Intel’s future technology plans and progress, and other non-historical matters. These statements are based on current expectations, estimates, assumptions and projections and you should not place undue reliance on them. Forward-looking statements do not guarantee future performance and involve risks and uncertainties. These risks and uncertainties include risks related to production manufacturing of High-NA systems and timing thereof, ability to meet roadmap and performance and attributes of the tools and platform other risks indicated in the risk factors included in ASML’s most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F, Intel’s most recent report on Form 10-K, and other filings made by ASML and Intel with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, available at www.sec.gov. These forward-looking statements are made only as of the date of this document. We do not undertake to update or revise the forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.