Speed Up Splunk® Enterprise by Up to 1.93x with Intel Xeon Processor-based AWS EC2 Instances vs. AMD EPYC Processor-based AWS EC2 Instances


  • Index data up to 1.93x faster with 48-vCPU C5 instances vs. C5ad instances

  • Get up to 1.72x more performance per dollar with 48-vCPU C5 instances vs. C5ad instances



Get Reports from Data and Act on Insights Faster with C5 Instances Featuring 2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors

Machine-generated data, which comes from servers, sensors, or IoT devices, is often called dark data because companies have a difficult time harnessing such disparate data into meaningful insights. To collect and process this machine data, organizations use Splunk to create searchable chunks of data that administrators can use. For organizations running Splunk® Enterprise in the cloud, testing shows that choosing AWS C5 Instances enabled by 2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors can offer better indexing and search performance at a better value than C5ad instances with AMD EPYC processors.

Across two Splunk workloads, C5 instances featuring 2nd Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors delivered up to 1.93x better Splunk performance than C5ad instances and up to 1.72x better performance per dollar. With C5 instances, organizations can ingest, process, and analyze data faster, which could lead to lower monthly cloud operating costs because they require fewer cloud instances to complete indexing work.

Cut Through Machine Data Faster

The faster your cloud instances can ingest, process, and analyze data, the sooner your organization can take actions to improve your business. As Figure 1 shows, 48-vCPU C5 instances enabled by 2nd Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors outperformed 48-vCPU C5ad instances by 1.93x on a medium indexing/search intensive workload and by 1.36x on an intensive indexing/search medium workload.

Figure 1. Relative results comparing the Splunk performance of C5 instances vs. C5ad instances.

Accelerate Time to Value for Your Cloud Investment

While improved performance is always desirable, the next question becomes: At what cost? Is the performance that AWS C5 instances deliver worth the additional investment? These tests show that the answer is yes. As Figure 2 shows, 48-vCPU AWS C5 instances with 2nd Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors offered 1.72x better performance per dollar for medium indexing/search intensive and 1.22x better performance per dollar for intensive indexing/search medium Splunk workloads than C5ad instances with AMD EPYC processors.

Collecting machine data and then making sense of it using Splunk can require a large hardware footprint. As these tests show, organizations can process and gain insight from machine-generated or dark data faster and at an accelerated value by selecting AWS C5 instances enabled by 2nd Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors over AWS C5ad instances with AMD EPYC processors.

Figure 2. Relative results comparing the Splunk performance per dollar of C5 instances vs. C5ad instances.

Learn More

To begin running your Splunk workloads on AWS C5 Instances with 2nd Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors, visit http://intel.com.tw/aws.